Tips On Maintaining A Folding Bike
So, you went through the trouble of researching, scanning, selecting and finally purchasing a folding bike for yourself. And now as it is becoming a part of your life, you want to know the best ways to take care of it. That is a smart move as it will help you get the best from your investment and get good resale value whenever you decide to pass it to a new owner. Regular and proper maintenance is essential for keeping a bike in good condition for years to come. This applies greatly to folding commuter bikes that go through a lot of potholes, traffic, wear and tear on a daily basis. So, let’s take a look at some important points that should be kept in mind in this respect. ● Clean It Regularly: The biggest difference between a standard bike and a folding bike is that the latter is very close to the ground. Therefore, it picks up more road salt, dirt and grime built up than any normal bike. It is important to maintain a regular cle...