Why Are Ortlieb Bags The Best?


Any search related to perfect panniers inadvertently concludes at Ortlieb handlebar bags. The brand has a cult following and has rightly earned the place. Ortlieb is one of the most recommended panniers among bike tourers despite the expensive price tags. There are several reasons for this popularity, most noted ones are given below:

 ●      Ease of usage is one of the prime reasons for its worldwide adaptation. Clipping is easy and quick which means you need not waste daylight in getting it on and off the bike.

●      The Ortlieb handlebar bags are waterproof which means it will keep your stuff safe in wet, humid, muddy, and cold regions.

●      Durability is another feather in its hat. Bikers have had Ortliebs for 8000kms+ and did not find a single thread out of place. Despite being roughly dragged across walls, picnic benches, trees, and bushes for months, the bags remained intact.

●      It is easy to keep these bags clean. Just swipe with a damp cloth and you are all good to go.

●      Also, these bags can be locked to the bikes. Ortlieb also offers Anti-theft devices that can easily be installed in the pannier. Fit these devices and use them with normal locks and keys, and you can have a safe trip all over the world.



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