Are Folding Bikes Really Good For Commuting?

As COVID-19 restrictions are easing all over the world, people are gearing up to get back to work through various means including public transport. The fear of travelling again through jam-packed, germ-ridden subways and buses is a constant one. However, there is a simple way to skip such packed places and adopt a healthy way to work - folding commuting bike.

Are folding commuting bikes really good for our community? Yes, absolutely. There are endless reasons that favour the inclusion of folding bikes in our daily lives, the best ones are given below:

● They Have Better Speed Than You Can Imagine: A number of people assume that folding bikes have slower speeds than their regular versions. However, it is an incorrect assumption. The small wheel size of these bikes isn’t an obstacle in their speedy movement. You can try a test ride of any of these bikes and you will be surprised to see how fast most of these bikes go even on off-track roads. So, no a lack of speed isn’t a reason to avoid a folding bike.

● They Are A Blessing In Terms Of Storage: If safe parking is a concern then it can easily be resolved with folding bikes. Most manufacturers focus on keeping these bikes lightweight and compact which eases storage and carrying of these vehicles. Whether your workplace is a few stories up or in a jam-packed basement, a folding bike can easily be carried and stored under a desk or on a wall. Also, being able to see your bike right in front of you all day reduces the stress of it being stolen. You can finally focus on your work.

● They Reduce The Distance Between Your Place and Train or Bus Station: You may be staying far off from your workplace which makes biking to the office impossible. However, a folding bike can easily reduce the distance to the nearest train or bus station. Once you reach the station, the bike can easily be folded and placed in the luggage rack of the bus or train. And when it drops you off, you can cycle from the station to your college or workplace. It can really be a blessing during scorching summers when even a five minutes walk looks like a half-hour intense workout.

● Keeps You Fit and Fine: Folding bikes are a blessing for people with a desk jobs. While your hectic work schedule takes away all chances of workout or movement, you can easily stretch and move your muscles while going to and fro from work. The national exercise guideline of Australia recommended 150-300 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise for every individual. When you cycle to and from work, it meets that recommendation and helps avoid the need to drag yourself to the gym thrice a week.

● Saves Money: On average, every Australian spends 4.5 hours weekly commuting to and from work. It is an essential expenditure that takes away a significant part of your earnings annually. A folding bike, on the other hand, is a healthy investment that can save or reduce these expenditures in a long run. Also, it will help save our planet and keep it healthy.


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